I just recently read a blogpost regarding coffee and why it is good for you. I have been a coffee drinker for a long time and I come from a place where some of the best coffee in the world is grown. And for a long time I tried to quit…. Why? I don’t know.. but the following list has made my day and I will not longer try to deny myself from this awesome drink… With moderation of course!!
The home take message is : Even though coffee in moderate amounts is good for you, drinking way too much of it can still be harmful. To make sure to preserve the health benefits, don’t put sugar or anything nasty in your coffee! If it tends to affect your sleep, then don’t drink it after 2pm. If anything, coffee may literally be the healthiest beverage on the planet.
Read the whole article with references here.
1. Coffee Can Make You Smarter
2. Coffee Can Help You Burn Fat and Improves Physical Performance
3. Coffee May Drastically Lower Your Risk of Type II Diabetes
4. Coffee May Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
5. Coffee May be Extremely Good For Your Liver
6. Coffee May Decrease Your Risk of Dying
7. Coffee is loaded with Nutrients and Antioxidants
Published by: Staff in Workout of the Day
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