Archives for January 2024

January 31, 2024 - No Comments!

Functional Fitness – Wed, Jan 31


Uniquely Abled Fitness Program Starts 3/3


Sign up for the HGX Open

HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Sets, For Quality:

30 second Passive Hang

10 Banded Pull-Aparts

5 Ring Push-Ups @ 41x1 Tempo

10 Banded Glute Bridge Marches

5/5 Lateral Box Step-Down

B: Bench Press (Every 90 seconds, 6 Sets
Set 1: 5 Reps @ 70%
Set 2: 5 Reps @ 75%
Set 3: 3 Reps @ 80%
Set 4: 3 Reps @ 80%
Set 5: 1 Rep @ 85%
Set 6: 1 Rep @ 90% )

C: Metcon (Time)

"Spider Monkey"

For Time:


Unbroken Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

*7 Box Jump Overs (Rx24/20, S 20/16″) after each set

*** OR

“Daddy Gorilla” [Strength Variant]

For Time:


Unbroken Strict Pull-Ups

*6 Dual DB Front Rack Step-Ups Each Set

(Rx24/20, S 20/16″), (2x (Rx50/35, S 40/25))

Time Domain: 6:00-9:00 minutes

Time Cap: 10:00

Primary Objective: Unbroken Chest to Bar Pull-Ups, limiting time jumping back up to the bar.

Secondary Objective: Quick on the box even if you will need a little more time jumping back up to the bar. Practice efficiency and rhythm here.

Stimulus: Sprint Couplet / Gymnastics Density

RPE: 9/10

January 30, 2024 - No Comments!

HGX-FIT – Tue, Jan 30


Uniquely Abled Fitness Program Starts 3/3


Sign up for the HGX Open

HomeGrown AthletX - HGX-FIT

Metcon (No Measure)

5 sets - time cap 15min

10 DB Pullovers (bench)

10 DBs Close grip press (floor)

10 DBs Tate press (floor)


5 sets - time cap 10min

10 DBs Glute bridge press

10 DBs Deficit push-ups (hands on DB head)


3 Supersets - time cap 8min

20 BB Reverse curls

20 BB Shoulder to overhead


3 Supersets - time cap 8min


20 BB Supinated shoulder to overhead


Time remaining: Fulcrum DL

15/15 per side

January 30, 2024 - No Comments!

Functional Fitness – Tue, Jan 30


Uniquely Abled Fitness Program Starts 3/3


Sign up for the HGX Open

HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Sets, For Quality

30 second Jump Rope Practice

8 Walking Inchworm to Hollow

10 Alternating Dead-Bugs

12 Plank Shoulder Taps

14 Second Ice Skater Hops

B: Gymnastic Skills (Freestanding Hold Drills and Skills
4 Sets
1:00 minute : Accumulated Handstand Hold
1:00 minute: Rest

-Block Assist Freestanding Handstand Hold
-Box Piked Handstand Hold
-Wall Facing Handstand Hold )

C: Metcon (Time)

"Wrong Way"

For Time

25 Burpees to Target 9/8ft

50 Abmat Sit-Ups

10 Wall Walks

100 Double Unders (A: 200 singles)

10 Wall Walks

50 Abmat Sit-Ups

25 Burpees to Target 9/8ft

Burpees to Target = First Set, right side to the wall, second set, left side to the wall.

9ft Target if you are 5'11 or Taller, 8ft Target if you are 5'11 or Shorter,

Time Domain: 13:00-18:00 minutes

Time Cap: 20:00 minutes

Primary Objective: Complete the workout in under 18:00 minutes

Secondary Objective: Complete the second half of the workout faster than the first half.

Stimulus: Midline Conditioning + Aerobic Stamina

D: Accessories (Time permitting:
4 Sets, For Quality
10 Supine Leg Raises
:30/:30 Second Side Plank
10 Ring V-Outs )

January 29, 2024 - No Comments!

Functional Fitness – Mon, Jan 29


Uniquely Abled Fitness Program Starts 3/3


Sign up for the HGX Open

HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Sets, For Quality

1:00 minute Cardio Choice

10 Deep Squat Thoracic Rotations

15 Banded Good Mornings

10 Medball Cleans

3 Banded Overspeed Jumps

B: Back Squat (Every 2:00 minutes, 9 Total Sets ( 3 Waves)
Set 1: 5 Reps @ 77-80-82%
Set 2: 3 Reps @ 80-82-85%
Set 3: 1 Rep @ 82-85-87%
Based on your 1-rep max Back Squat.
*follow the set percentages or increase by 5-10#. One set = 9 reps)

C: Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

"Full Tilt"

9:00 minute AMRAP

9 Deadlifts (Rx 225/155, S 165/125)*

18 Wall Balls (Rx 20/14, S 16/12) 10/9ft

Primary Objective: Complete each movement unbroken

Secondary Objective: Complete 6+ Rounds

Stimulus: High Intensity Couplet / Muscular Stamina + Endurance

RPE: 8/10

*Our primary objective today is to pursue intensity by aiming for unbroken sets with swift transitions between movements. To achieve this, we need to adjust the loads to approximately 40-50% of our 1RM Deadlift. The key here is to maintain a pace faster than 90 seconds per round, which would equate to completing 6 or more rounds

January 28, 2024 - No Comments!

HGX-FIT – Sun, Jan 28


Uniquely Abled Fitness Program Starts 3/3


Sign up for the HGX Open

HomeGrown AthletX - HGX-FIT

Unilateral training - 10min time cap for each section (No Measure)

5 sets

10/10 RDL

10/10 Single leg crossbody RDL

5 sets

10/10 Renegade rows

10/10 Bent over rows

4 sets

8/8 Glute bridge floor press

8/8 Standing crossbody flys

3 sets

8/8 Seated straight let Arnold press

8/8 Bottoms up seated shoulder press

8/8 Front delt raises

8/8 Rear delt raises

3 sets

10/10 Hammer curls

10/10 Zottman curls

10/10 Skull crushers

January 27, 2024 - No Comments!

Functional Fitness – Sat, Jan 27


Sign up for the HGX Open

Uniquely Abled Fitness Program Starts 3/3

HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Sets, For Quality

1:00 minute machine choice

:20 second Wall Supported Handstand Hold

10 Alternating Cossack Squats

25/25ft (8/8m) Overhead Plate Walk

Warm-up (No Measure)

“Rowing or Skiing Golf”

One partner will start on the machine, while one partner rests. At 3-2-1 go the athlete will proceed to row as fast as they can to 100m. At around the 80m mark perform one last pull and see if the meters are close 100m, If the athlete hits 100m, then the athlete will switch and continue until 200m. If the athlete is over or under 100m, both partners must perform the number of burpees over or under the 100m mark. This will continue until 1000m and time will be recorded upon completion.

B: Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

"Dream Team"

3 Sets, for Max Reps

8:00 minute AMRAP with Partner

8 Wall Walk

24 Plate Ground to Overhead (Rx45/35, Rx25/15)

24m (80ft) Plate Overhead Walking Lunges

8 Rope Climbs

-Max Calories in Remaining Time

3:00 minute Rest between reps

Primary Objective:

Complete the prescribed work in 6:00 minutes or less to allow for 2+ minutes on the machine to finish off the AMRAP.

Secondary Objective:

Split the work evenly across all sets in order to create an even workload for each partner.

Stimulus: Upper body interference work and muscular stamina.

January 26, 2024 - No Comments!

Functional Fitness – Fri, Jan 26


Sign up for the HGX Open

Uniquely Abled Fitness Program Starts 3/3

HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds

12/9 Calorie Row

5/5 Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Muscle Clean and Press

10 Banded Face Pulls

10 Hollow Rocks

10 Arch Rocks


3 Rounds

Bar Shapes : Neutral Hang + Hollow Hang + Neutral Hang + Arch Hang

Hold each position for 3-5 seconds

Rest as needed between each set

B: Toes-To-Bar (Toe to Bar Technique and Efficiency
-Kip Swing, Hollow to Arch positions
-Strict Knee Raises to maximum height with active lat position
-Kipping Knee to Chest
-Alternating Toes to Target
-Kipping Toes to Target
-Alternating Toe to Bar


C: Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

"CrossFit Open 18.1"


8 Toes to Bar

10 Single Arm DB Hang Clean & Jerks (Rx50/35, S 40/25)

14/12 Calorie Row (A: 10/8 cal Bike )

* Switch hands every 5 reps.

D: Accessories (Time permitting
5 Sets
10 V-Ups
10 Dual Dumbbell Bent Over Rows
10 Rower Pike Ups )

January 25, 2024 - No Comments!

Functional Fitness – Thu, Jan 25


Sign up for the HGX Open

Uniquely Abled Fitness Program Starts 3/3

HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

A: Warm-up (No Measure)

8:00 minutes, For Quality

:30 second row ski or Bike

(8/8m) 25/25ft Lateral Shuffle

5 Inchworm Push-Ups

10 Down Dog Alternating Toe Taps

10 Kettlebell Deadlifts

B: Metcon (No Measure)

"Lost in Translation"

40:00 minute EMOM , Alternating Movements

minute 1: 15/12 Cal Row or Ski or 11/8 Cal Bike

minute 2: 15 American Kettlebell Swings (Rx53/35, S 44/26)

minute 3: 6 Shuttle Runs 25/25ft

minute 4: 15/10 Push-Ups

Primary Objective: Practice perfect mechanics and look to complete the work as efficiently as possible. This means keeping the workout feeling aerobic and consistent.

Secondary Objective: Complete each movement in under 40 seconds

Stimulus: Aerobic Threshold / Muscular Stamina / Volume

RPE: 6/10

C: Recovery (No Measure)

Time permitting

1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch

1:00/1:00 Couch Stretc h

1:00/1:00 Extended Arm Lizard Pos e

1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fol d

1:00 Childs Pose

January 25, 2024 - No Comments!

HGX-FIT – Thu, Jan 25


Uniquely Abled Fitness Program Starts 3/3


Sign up for the HGX Open

HomeGrown AthletX - HGX-FIT

Metcon (No Measure)


8 DBs shoulder shrugs

8/8 Seated straight leg Arnold press

8/8 SA DB rear delt raises

8 BB front delt raises



Max effort weighted BB curls

Max effort BB rollout


Remaining time:

12 Lu raises (Plates)

20/20 Red band Paloff press

Come on in. Your first class is on us


Give us a call or shoot us a text


Send us an email

Drop on by

551 Taylor Way unit 3, 4, 5 & 6
San Carlos, CA

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