GYM CLOSED 12/31 & 1/1
HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds, For Quality
1:00 Bike
2 Wall Walks + 10-15 second Wall Facing Handstand Hold
:10 second Dead-Hang + :10 second Active Hang + 10 Kip Swings
Team KB Race War m-Up
Each team member much touch each KB with each hand
Best 2 out 3 between teams!
B: Metcon (Time)
2 Person Team Workout
5:00 minute AMRAP
20 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
10/10 Synchro Hang DB Snatch (Rx50/35, S 40/25)
20 Pull-Ups
-Max Cals in the Remaining Time
Rest 2:00 minute between Rounds
Continue until 130/100 cals Row or Ski or 100/70 Cals Bike Completed
Score = Time to Completion or Calories at Time Cap
During the Handstand Push-Ups, one athlete will be holding a Handstand Hold against the wall. During the Pull-Ups one athlete will be holding a dead-hang position
Goal: Complete in 3-4 Sets
-Time Cap: 7 Sets
-Primary Objective: Complete the prescribed work by 4:00 minutes to allow a minimum of 1:00 minute of work on the bike in the remaining time.
-Secondary Objective: Achieve 20/14+ Calories on the Bike in the remaining time.
-Stimulus: Upper Body Push + Pull / Muscular Endurance