Each partner will complete each round, alternating full rounds. This means that partner 1 will complete 10 toes to bar + 10 power cleans then tag partner 2 to complete 10+10 then back to partner 1 for 9+9 and so on down the ladder to 1+1
Rest 3:00 minutes before starting Part B
Part B)
3000/2700m row for time with a partner
alternating 500/450m per partner
Part A)
Time domain: 11:00-15:00
Time cap: 17:00 minutes
Part B)
Goal: 9:00-12:00 minutes
Time cap: 15:00 or 35:00 running time
Both Parts
Primary Objective: Part A is the primary focus of the day, The goal is to work on barbell cycling and grip
Secondary Objective: Part B, holding 1k Pace across for each interval
15 Burpee bar muscle-ups (A: burpee jumping pull-ups)
400m Run
30 Box jump overs (Rx24/20, S 20/16″)
400m Run
45 Dual DB hang snatch (Rx35/25, S 20/10)
400m Run
Time Domain:
25:00-30:00 minutes
35:00 Cap
Primary Objective: Complete each movement in 3 minutes or less
Secondary Objective: Hold an even pace across all the 400s. This means starting out conservatively then using the run as a good recovery before coming back in to tackle the movements.
B: Rope Climb (Legless progression
Bicycle Leg Drive )
C: Metcon (Time)
"The Claw"
8 Sets, For time
1 Legless rope climb 15/12ft
30 Double unders (A: 60 singles)
100ft (30m) Farmers carry (Rx70/50, S 60/40)
14/10 Cal row or ski or 12/9 Cal bike
Rest 1:00 minute between sessions
Goal = 2:00/ Set
This is a progression from last week's EMOM for "time” format with legless rope climbs! This should help you feel more confident and ready to tackle today’s workout.
Time Domain: 20:00-25:00
Time Cap: 30:00
Primary Objective: Goal is to complete each set in as close to 2:00 minutes as possible
Secondary Objective: Complete each bike in 30 seconds or less
Stimulus: Grip / Muscular Stamina
RPE: 8/10
D: Accessories (Optional
4 Sets, for quality
:30 Alternating plank hip drops
8/8 Single \arm Turkish sit-ups
:30 Weighted wall sit