Workout of the day

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HGX Intermural Open Feb 28-March 14

Strong First Workshop March 8th 10am-12pm & 1-5pm

HomeGrown AthletX - HGX-FIT

Metcon (No Measure)

EMOM 10: Core

Abmat sit-ups

Russian twist

Flutter kicks

Scissor kicks

Ankle touches

Hollow rock

Plank (forearms) alt touches

Side plank (right) pulse

Side plank (left) pulse

Plate ceiling crunches


5 sets

8 DBs shoulder press

8 DBs Upright rows

8/8/8 Angle delt raises/front delt raises/Arnold press


3 sets

8 DBs Skull crushers

8 Plate tricep ext (behind the neck)



HGX Intermural Open Feb 28-March 14

Strong First Workshop March 8th 10am-12pm & 1-5pm

HomeGrown AthletX - Uniquely Abled Fitness

Warm-up (No Measure)

with partner 3x:

100 m run

10 partner plank high 5's

10 synchro jumping jacks

Push Press (5x5 build)

SuperBowl Sunday Partner Workout (No Measure)

Buy in: 200 ft (4 laps) partner carry or wheelbarrow

In remaining time AMRAP

30 wallballs

20 burpee

30 box jumps

20 sandbag to shoulder

30 cals on machine



HGX Intermural Open Feb 28-March 14

Strong First Workshop March 8th 10am-12pm & 1-5pm

HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

View Public Whiteboard


General Warm-Up: (8 minutes)

8:00 : For Quality

:45 second Row

6/6 Single Arm Dumbbell Upright Rows

6/6 Single Arm Dumbbell Strict Press

:20 second Hollow Hold

1 Wall Walk + 10 second Wall Facing Handstand Hold

Specific Prep / Primer (4-6 minutes)

200m Row

10 Abmat Sit-Ups

5 Dual Dumbbell Push Press @ Warm-Up Loads

200m Row

10 Abmat Sit-Ups

5 Dual Dumbbell Push Press @ Working Loads

"Paloma" (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

20:00 AMRAP

300m Row

20 Abmat Sit-Ups

10 Dual Dumbbell Push Press

Dumbbells: (2x(Rx50/35, S 40/25))

Goal: 6+ Rounds

Stimulus: Muscular endurance, core stability, and aerobic capacity

RPE: 7-7.5/10

Primary Objective: Keep each working round to under 3:00 minutes

Secondary Objective : Maintain a consistent pace and stroke rate on the rower that allows for recovery without taking your foot totally off the gas.


PRVN Recovery #2

1:00 Childs Pose

1:00/1:00 Low Dragon Stretch

1:00/1: 00 Scorpion Stre tch

:30/: 30 Thread the Needle Stre tch

5/5 Side Lying Thoracic Rotations



HGX Intermural Open Feb 28-March 14

Strong First Workshop March 8th 10am-12pm & 1-5pm

HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

View Public Whiteboard


Mobility Prep and Body Heat: (8 minutes)

3:00 Cardio Choice

10 PVC Pass Throughs

5/5 PVC Pipe Around the Worlds

:20/:20 second Standing PVC Pipe Prayer Stretch

10 Alternating Scorpions

General Warm-Up (4-6 minutes)

2 Sets: For Quality

5 Hang Muscle Snatch

8 Scapular Pull-Ups + 6-8 Bar Kip Swings

5 Up Downs

10 Alternating Box Step-Ups

Specific Warm-Up / Primer (6-8 minutes)

5 Hang Power Snatch + 5 Low Hang Power Snatch (Empty Barbell)

5 Pull-Ups (Jumping /Strict / Kipping / Butterfly)

3 Burpee Box Jump Overs

Add Loads

Go Over Kipping and Butterfly Pull-Ups + Barbell Cycling

7 Power Snatch

7 Pull-Ups

5 Burpee Box Jump Over

3 Power Snatch

3 Pull-Ups

1 Burpee Box Jump Overs

"Manhattan" (Time)

2 Person Team

For Time: Waterfall

27 Power Snatch

24 Pull-Ups

21 Burpee Box Jump Overs

21 Power Snatch

18 Pull-Ups

15 Burpee Box Jump Overs

Rest 3:00 minutes

21 Power Snatch

18 Pull-Ups

15 Burpee Box Jump Overs

15 Power Snatch

12 Pull-Ups

9 Burpee Box Jump Overs

Barbell Load:(Rx 75/55, S 65/45)

Box Height: (Rx24/20, S 20/16″)

Score = Total Time to Completion from when partner 1 starts Power Snatch and partner 2 finishes last set of Burpee Box Jump Overs

Goal: 18:00 - 22:00

Time Cap: 25 minutes

Stimulus: Barbell Cycling / Grip Endurance / Full Body Muscular Stamina

RPE: 8/10

Primary Objective: Complete each set of Burpee Box Jumps in under 2:00 minutes

Secondary Objective: Maintain big sets on the barbell of 8+ reps each set


PRVN Recovery #6

1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch

1:00/1:00 Couch Stretc h

1:00/1:00 Extended Arm Lizard Pos e

1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fol d

1:00 Childs Pose



HGX Intermural Open Feb 28-March 14

Strong First Workshop March 8th 10am-12pm & 1-5pm

HomeGrown AthletX - Uniquely Abled Fitness

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 min machine

Updog/down dog

Bird dog

Thread the needle

Inchworm w/ push up

Straight leg kick up

Glute bridge

Cossack squat

Leg swings

Arm circles

Power clean complex (1 power clean
1 hang power clean)

Ring dips and pull up practice

12 min AMRAP (No Measure)

3 pull up or variation

3 ring dips or variation

6 power cleans or db power cleans

6 lateral burpees over bar



HGX Intermural Open Feb 28-March 14

Strong First Workshop March 8th 10am-12pm & 1-5pm

HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

View Public Whiteboard


Mobility and Body Heat (4 minutes)

400m Run

:30 second Puppy Dog Pose

:20/:20 Scorpion Stretch

:30/:30 Deep Lunge Ankle Mobilization

General (4-6 minutes)

2 Sets:

200m Run

10 Air Squats

10 Down Dog Toe Touch

:20/:20 second Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold

20 Glute Bridges

Specific Barbell Prep (6-8 minutes)

With an Empty Barbell

6 Overhead Squats

6 Front Squats

6 Back Squats

Add Light Load

4 Overhead Squats

4 Front Squats

4 Back Squats

Add Moderate Load

2 Overhead Squats

2 Front Squats

2 Back Squats

Then Start the Clock for the 5RM Back Squat

Back Squat (Take 12:00 minutes to Establish a Heavy 5 Rep for the Day)


The goal is to build to around 8 RPE , so leaving some room in the tank for a little more in a couple weeks. Those really feeling it today, push it and get a new 5RM, but we are looking for our peak to come in a couple weeks down the line.

Conditioning Specific Primer (2-3 minutes)

:15 second Line Hops

3 Overhead Squats

:15 second Line Hops

3 Front Squats

:15 second Line Hops

3 Back Squats

"Dark 'n Stormy" (Time)

For Time:

400m Run

20 Overhead Squats

400m Run

25 Front Squats

400m Run

30 Back Squats

Barbell: (Rx 115/75, S 95/65)

Goal: 11:00 - 15:00

Time Cap: 15:00

RPE: 9/10

Stimulus: Squat Stamina and Running Capacity

Primary Objective: Go Big On Squats

Secondary Objective : Consistent Run Paces

It's not going to be easy, it's going to be worth it.


Give us a call or shoot us a text


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Drop on by

551 Taylor Way unit 3, 4, 5 & 6
San Carlos, CA

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