MAY 27th MURPH classes at 8AM and 9AM open gym at 7AM
UAF Buddy Comp 7/21 @12-2pm
CrossFit Level 1 Certificate Course Aug 3rd and 4th
HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness
Warm-Up (No Measure)
2 Sets, For Quality
20 second Wall Thoracic Extensions
30/30 second Kettlebell Hip Shift
40 seconds Alternating 90-90 Hip Switch
10/10 x 90-90 Get-ups
6:00 minutes, For Quality
10 Alternating Lateral Lunges
20 Bear Plank Shoulder Taps
5 Pike Push-Ups
20 second Glute Bridges
Back Squat (Every 3:00 minutes, 5 Sets
3 Back Squats @ 80%+
3/3 Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps)
We are looking for loads on the Back Squat to range from 80-87% with a reach goal of 90% on the bar.
Lightning (Time)
4 Rounds for Time
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
25 Air Squats
50ft Dual DB Farmers Walking Lunges (Rx50/35, S 40/25)
Time Cap: 15:00
Primary Objective: Complete each round of the workout in under 3:00 minutes with the goal of completing the entire workout in 8:00-10:00 minutes
Secondary Objective: Remain unbroken across all movements today
Stimulus: Leg Stamina and Capacity
RPE: 8/10
PRVN Recovery #5 (Checkmark)
1:00 Elevated Prayer Stretch
1:00/1:00 Elevated Pigeon Stretch
1:00 Seated Chest Stretch
1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch
Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized