July 19, 2010 - No Comments!

amazing athletes. amazing performances. amazing YOU.

Monday 07.19.10
Back Squat

AMRAP 9 minutes:
6 Power Cleans (155/105)
9 Ring Dips
30 Double Unders

Women's Individual Finals at 2010 CrossFit Games

Whether its scaling walls at the Twenty Ten CrossFit Games, finishing your first 5k, or racing your grandchild to the other end of the playground, you are all capable of athleticism you may have thought impossible not long ago.  After visiting the Home Depot Center and watching the finals of the CrossFit Games, I am amazed. The mental fortitude, physical dexterity, and infallible wills of the individual, team and master's competitors, turned the ordinary into extraordinary.  I know many of you were watching the live stream of competition and I hope it inspired you like it did me, to train harder and to remove the word cannot from your vocabulary. Being drawn to our type of training, already makes you part of a small group of movers who step outside to box to earn results with blood, sweat, and tears.  No other training program is creating stunning levels of work capacity in this many people, anywhere in the world. I saw it with my own two eyes this weekend, and cannot wait to see more of it with all of YOU. See you down at the box...

REMINDER: SCCF Paleo Challenge ends next week. Keep up the hard work!!!

Published by: Staff in Blog, Workout of the Day

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