HomeGrown CrossFit - Level 1 Group Class
A: Metcon (Weight)
1a) 4 Round not for time
Strict Ring Dips
R+8 (add wt if too easy)
Scaled 4 w/ band
-Rest 1min
Snatch Balance (3 Snatch Balance )
1b) 4 Rounds
-Heaviest possible
-Rest 1:00
B: Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds
250m Run
1min Front Rack Holds (R+165/125, Rx145/105#)
(power clean it up and hold)
1min Prone Ring Hold (in a push up position, externally rotate rings outward, stay hollow)
R+ All holds have to be UB
Rx and Scaled can accumulate the 1 min
Published by: Staff in Blog
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