August 1, 2015 - No Comments!


HomeGrown CrossFit - Level 1 Group Class

*BOOTCAMP STARTS AUG 3rd. FREE for all members and 1st class is FREE for all friends.

*FITNESS FOR FREE TODAY at 10:00-11:00am. Our Fitness For Free class happens every 1st Saturday of the month and is open to all levels. This class gives people an opportunity to experience what a regular CrossFit class is all about.

*All HGX APPAREL is 60% off. GET SOME!

A: Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds

400m Run

40 Wall Ball 20/14

30 box jumps 24/20

20 sit-ups

16 burpees

Published by: Staff in Uncategorized

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551 Taylor Way unit 3, 4, 5 & 6
San Carlos, CA

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