HomeGrown CrossFit - Level 1 Group Class
A: Front Squat (4 Front Sq @65% 1RM)
1a) 4 Rounds not for time
Last set try to go heavier if you can - rest 1:00
(No Measure)
1b) 4 Rounds not for time
1:00 Tempo Strict HSPU (R+3 counts down, 3 counts up, no pause at bottom, Rx Do Negatives, Scaled try to get on wall) – rest 1:00
*1a&1b means alternate 1a and 1b until done
B: Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds
1000m Row/Run
30 Thrusters (R+65/45, Rx55/35#)
Rest 1:00 after each Round
Published by: Staff in Blog
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