HomeGrown CrossFit - Level 1 Group Class
A: DB Walking Lunges
Every 2min, for 10min (5 sets):
20-22 DB Walking Lunges (R+60/40, Rx 50/30)
Goal is to go heavy today, work your way up in wt.
Try to end at the R+ or Rx wt. or do more then one set at that wt.
B: Metcon (Time)
100 Box Jump Overs (R+30/24,Rx24/20″)
EMOM 3 Power Cleans (R+115/75, Rx 95/65)
*Start the 1st round w/ 3 PC
C: Metcon (Weight)
If time
3 sets of:
10 Single-Arm DB Bench Rows
60sec Accumulate Hollow Holds/Rocks
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