October 22, 2015 - No Comments!


HomeGrown CrossFit - Level 1 Group Class

A: Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)

LURONG Benchmark Workout #6

This workout was performed during week 1 and now retested today in week 6 of the Lurong Challenge. It is an AMRAP in 2 rounds of 6 movements, each with 1min work and 1min rest.


0-1 Deadlift

1-2 Rest

2-3 Box Jump Overs

3-4 Rest

4-5 Hang Power Cleans

5-6 Rest

6-7 L3 Muscle Ups L2 Straight Leg Box Dips L1 Bent Knee Box Dips

7-8 Rest

8-9 Thrusters

9-10 Rest

10-11 Cal Row

11-12 Rest

Repeat for Round 2

Movement and Load Details - Men

Level 3 155lbs, Box Jump Overs- 30"

Level 2 115lbs, Box Jump Overs- 24"

Level 1 75 lbs, Box Jump Overs- 20"

Movement and Load Details - Women

Level 3 100lbs, Box Jump Overs- 24"

Level 2 75 lbs, Box Jump Overs- 20"

Level 1 55 lbs, Box Jump Overs- 12"


*L3=R+ L2=Rx L1=Scaled

Published by: Staff in Uncategorized

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