October 12, 2015 - No Comments!


HomeGrown CrossFit - Level 1 Group Class

A: Front Squat

3 Rounds

2-3 Front Squat @ 85-90%

Rest 30sec

Max Unbroken Reps of Push ups

Rest 2 minutes

B: Metcon (Time)

In teams of 3 with only one person per station. You can not rotate until all team members complete set movements.

3 Rounds

250m Run

10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (R+30/24,Rx24/20″)

10 Thrusters (R+75/55, Rx65/45)

*work as fast as possible, if not working rest

*Partner A runs 250m, Partner B Burpee Box Jump-Overs, Partner C Thrusters. when everyone is done rotate and Partner A Burpee Box Jump-Overs, Partner B Thruster, Partner C Run 250, etc…until all team members complete 3 Rounds

Published by: Staff in Uncategorized

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