HomeGrown CrossFit - CrossFit
A. : Metcon (Time)
Happy Easter!
Eggtastic WOD - For Time
Teams of 2
500m run together & the EGG
100 Push ups - partner planks with egg on back
100 DB alt lunges -partner hollow hold with egg on stomach
100 Box Jump (hold egg while jumping)
100 KB swing - partner holds egg on legs with legs elevated 2 or 3 inches.
100 Ring rows - Partner holds a superman with egg on back
100 Partner Sit ps - passing the egg to each other.
500m run together & the EGG
* If you break the egg it is 20 synchro burpees if you put the egg down at any time it is 20 synchro burpees *every time* and if we need to replace the broken egg.
DB (R+50/35, Rx 40/25)
KB (R+53/35, Rx 44/26)
Box (R+24/20, Rx 20/16)
Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized