New Strength & Conditioning Class for Moms-Mon & Wed 10:40 am - Starts Monday, March 18th
Strong 1st Workshop May 18th 10a-12p and 1p-5p
MAY 27th MURPH classes at 8AM and 9AM
HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Sets, For Quality
:30/:30 Adductor Rock Backs
:30/:30 Active Deep Lunge Stretch
10 Cossack Squats *Slow and Controlled
5/5 Single Leg Pistol Step-Downs
5 Jumping Pull-Ups + 3 sec Eccentric
B: Metcon (Weight)
12:00 minute EMOM
minute 1: 5 Pause Back Squats (2sec) @ 7 RPE
minute 2: 10 Dual DB Front Rack Tall Kneeling to Standing (Rx50/35, S 40/25)
minute 3: Rest
C: Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds for Time
42 Wall Balls (Rx 20/14, S 16/12) 10/9ft
21 Toe to Bar
Time Domain: 9:00-13:00 minutes
Time Cap: 15:00 minutes
Primary Objective: Complete each round of the workout in around 4 minutes to keep total time close to 12 minutes on the clock.
Secondary Objective: Maintain sets that allow for only 2 breaks during each set on each movement.
Stimulus: Muscular Endurance / Chipper Feel
RPE: 7/10, This will be lower for the majority, but those with high levels of capacity it will kick up a notch as they are able to hold onto bigger sets.
Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized