December 29, 2016 - No Comments!


HomeGrown CrossFit - Level 1 Group Class


A: Back Squat

Take 20min to build to a 3-RM Back Squat

*Record best successful 3-RM.

B: Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)

For max reps:

90 sec of Supine Bar Rows

Rest 90sec

90 sec of Strict HSPU

Rest 90 sec

60sec of Supine Bar Rows

Rest 60sec

60sec of Strict HSPU

Rest 60sec

30sec of Supine Bar Rows

Rest 30sec

30sec of Strict HSPU

C: Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)

Against an 8min running clock, for max reps of WB:

Row 1000m

Wall Ball (R+20/14, Rx 16/12)

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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