April 10, 2020 - No Comments!


HomeGrown CrossFit - CrossFit

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

8 Minutes for quality

:30s Hollow Hold (Alternate Between Hollow Hold, Hollow Rocks and even Planks)

200m Jog (Approx. :45 sec-:20 out/:20 back in)

10 PVC Pass Through

5 Inchworm to Push-ups

*Use broomstick, or towel/band

B: Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds)

5 x 3:00 AMRAP, Resting 1:00 between:

AMRAP 3 Minutes:

6 Burpees

8 DB Single Arm Squat Cleans (4 each side) (BB Sq Clean)

20 Lateral Over DB, BB Hops

*3min on 1min off in these fast paced intervals

*Since these are 3min AMRAPs you'll move back to the Burpees following the lateral DB Hops

*The goal is to choose a rep scheme, weights, and variations that allows for 2+ rounds to be completed within the 3min

*The DB Single Arm Squat cleans will start with both heads of the DB in between the feet for each rep

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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