Archives for May 2021

May 15, 2021 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A.: Metcon (Time)

For Time

25 Overhead Squats (R+95/65, Rx75/55)

25 Toes to bar

500 m Run

15 Overhead Squats R+115/75, Rx95/65)

15 Toes to bar

500 m Run

10 Overhead Squats R+125/85, Rx115/75)

10 Toes to bar

500 m Run

May 14, 2021 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A: Metcon (Time)

2000 Meter Row or Ski

10 Rounds of "The Chief" (R+155/105, Rx125/85)

1 Round of "The Chief":

3 Power Cleans

6 Push-Ups

9 Air Squats


For Time:

1000 Meters Row or Ski

Straight into…

6 Rounds of "The Chief"

1 Round of "The Chief":

3 Hang Power Cleans

5 Modified Push-ups (elevate pressing surface)

7 Air Squats (to a medicine ball)

We are looking to shoot between 18:00-24:00 for total time to complete both parts.

Row or Ski 2000m = 7:00-9:00 (for both genders)

10 Rounds of "The Chief" = 10:00-15:00

Doing 3 Power Cleans at 155 is very different to doing 30 Power Cleans at 155, AND after a 2000 meter Row.

There is no time cap. Work relentlessly to scale appropriately to meet the intend stimulus. 😉


We are striving for an 18:00-24:00 finish! The goal is to move fast and move well for a longer time domain. For this to happen, we must modify areas of the workout that could create poor movement and lengthily overall times.

Remember…just because you ‘can’, doesn’t always mean they ‘should’.

Row or ski 2000m = 7:00-9:00 (for both genders)

Reduce Distance: 1750m / 1500m / 1250m / 1000m

Have conversations with your athletes during the Warm-Up. To Row 2000m, splits must be at a 2:20 (avg) or below. If they are above, the Row will take too long for todays intention.

Alternative Options: Run 1-mile

10 Rounds of "The Chief" = 10:00-15:00

Overall Volume = 30 Power Cleans / 60 Push-Ups / 90 Air Squats

Aim to modify intensity (loads/reps) to hold :45-1:00 rounds on average across the 10 rounds.

If 1 round takes over 1:00 from the very start, our athletes have either gone too heavy, chosen too many reps, or a combination of both. Pay attention to this in the earlier rounds. You will likely have to scale mid-workout if this happens.

Last note, but an important one – if you have athletes that will be closer to the 9:00 mark for the 2000m, consider reducing "The Chief" rounds to 7 or 8. We

B: Metcon (No Measure)

Midline Accessory
3 Rounds

15 Arch Rocks

20sec Arch Hold

15 Hollow Rocks

20s Hollow Hold

30 Russian Twists

R: 60sec

May 13, 2021 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A: Push Press

#1: 7 reps @ 60%

#2: 7 reps @ 65%

#3: 5 reps @ 70%

#4: 5 reps @ 75%

#5: 5 reps @ 75%

#6: 5 reps @ 75%

On a 2:00 clock

B: Metcon (Time)

2 Rounds
10 Bar Muscle-Ups

20 Bar-Facing Burpees

30 Deadlifts (R+ 225/155, Rx 165/125)

40 Wallballs (R+20/14, Rx 16/12)

We will spend ample time in the Specific Warm-Up re-familiarizing ourselves with the Muscle-Up. If you have not been doing BMU for a while, we encourage you to err on the side of selecting an easier variation.

The ‘Time Stimulus’ will fall between 12:00-18:00

Each movement will take between ~1:30-3:00, but that doesn’t mean athletes scale to meet 3:00 for each movement. That would put us in a longer time domain than we are looking for.

We will need to modify load and reps to achieve the sweet spot today!

We have done a lot of Burpees and Wall Balls lately, so we can focus less on the "how to" with these movements, but MUST check in on DEPTH of the Wall Ball squat, and scaling reps for both. if needed.

The Deadlift calls for a moderate loading for 60 reps combined. To perform this movement with the prescribed loading, athletes must be able to perform at least 20 consecutive reps with all Deadlift points of performance present. This is a non-negotiable. A rounded back is a recipe for disaster later in life, and in the present moment.



Reduce reps

Muscle-Up Transitions on low rings (same number – increase difficulty by moving feet further out in front of the athlete)

10 Ring Rows + 10 Jumping Ring Dips

Bar-Facing Burpees

Reduce reps to a number that can be completed in ~2:00

Step Over the Bar vs. Jump

No-Push Up Burpee (do not perform the push-up portion of the Burpee)


Reduce the load to a load that can be moved well for at least 15 reps

Wall Ball

Reduce the load and throw to a 10/9 foot target

Foam Roller Party

Lower Back



IT Band


Lats (Ouch!)

May 12, 2021 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A: Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

Every 3:00 x 5 Rounds
9 Box Jump Overs (R+24/20, Rx20/16″)

12 Double DB Front Squats (R+50/35, Rx 40/25)

15/12 Calorie Row or Ski or 11/8 Cal bike

We have some max-ish effort interval training today! We are looking for folks to put their pedal to metal in every round.

The overall "working out" time is between 8:00-12:00 depending on how fast each interval is completed.

We want our athletes to aim for sub-2:00 rounds, giving at least 1:00 of rest before starting the next round.

This workout is scored by time it takes to complete each round.

Movement Standards

Box Jump Over: Athlete takes off with two feet, lands on the box with both feet, jumps or steps off the box onto the other side. The athlete does not have to reach full leg extension on the box.

Double Dumbbell Front Squat: With the dumbbells in the rack position and standing with full hip and knee extension, the athlete squats down until the crease of the hip passes below the knee cap (below parallel), and stands to full extension of the hips and knees.


Box Jump Over (aiming for under :30)

Reduce the height or reps

Step-Over (great for nervous and/or injured athletes)

DB Front Squat (aiming for under :30)

Reduce load, reduce reps

Modify the movement: – Use one DB or hold Medball on front of body / Lunges in place for 18 reps

(squatting to a target is always helpful)

Cals (aim for less than 1:00)

Reduce the number of cals

May 11, 2021 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - HGX-FIT

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A: Metcon (No Measure)

HGX FIT 5.11.2021


5 Sets

8 x DB Floor Press (Heavy)

10 x DB Close Floor Press

Max effort – Deficit Push-ups

30-40 Banded Tricep Extensions


5 x 8 Seated Military Press (Front rack position)

5 x 8 Seated Military Press (Behind the neck)

5 x 10 Seated DB Arnold Press

3 x 15 Seated Plate Rotation (Steering Wheel)

May 11, 2021 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A: Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds
400 Meter Run

24 wall ball GHD Sit-Ups w/ feet anchored

12 Clean and Jerks (R+135/95, Rx 115/75)

Another sweet spot for high intensity! 12-18 mins.

Movement Functions: Run, sit-up, pull from the ground and press overhead.

Seemingly different movements, but be careful, as all three movements require a lot of hip flexion and extension, while stabilizing the trunk. Ouch!

Run = ~1:45-2:15 // GHD Sit-Ups = 1:00-2:00 // C&J = 1:00-2:00

1 Round = ~4:00-5:00 (if we are at 6:00 for the first round, we are missing the mark on the intention).

Loading: Moderate – this tells us we could go unbroken for the 12 C&J, but will likely break into 2-4 sets.

Wall Ball GHD Sit-Up: 72 reps. Done fast, these will leave a mark. If we haven’t been on the wall ball GHD for a while, scale back to somewhere between 10-20 reps and/or reduce the range of motion to parallel


400m Run (approximately 1:45-2:15)

Reduce Distance = 300m / 200m

Modify the Movement = 1000/800m Bike 500m Row (as a last resort)

wall ball GHD Sit-Up

Reduce Reps = 20, 15, 12 – be cautious and err on less reps as athletes are reintroduced to this potent movement

Reduce Range of Motion = Parallel or 1/4 Range (slight lean back)

Substitute the Movement = Overhead Medball Abmat Sit-Up (a fine choice)

Clean & Jerk

Reduce Load = 115/80; 95/65; 75/55; 65/45; 45/35

Modify the Movement = Hang Clean & Push Press or Jerk

B: Metcon (No Measure)

3 Rounds
10 Eccentric SL Barbell Hip Thrust off Bench (5 each leg)

15 Banded Hollow Body Pull-Downs (light band)

20 Banded Kneeling Hip Extensions (heavy band)

May 10, 2021 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A: Metcon (Time)

20 Power Snatches (R+95/65, Rx 75/55)

20 Lateral Barbell Burpees

20 Overhead Squats

20 Lateral Barbell Burpees

20 Squat Snatches

This one is a lung-burner! Light loading tells us that we can go for big sets, only breaking due to fatigue and not because the bar is too heavy. Think light and nasty!

Time Ranges: 8-12

15min Time Cap

Aim to complete each movement ~2:00 or under. This is a guide, not a hard rule.

No movement should exceed 3:00. If so, the athlete’s weight may be too heavy or burpee reps were not scaled appropriately.

Loading on the barbell should allow for approximately 2-4 sets. Remember the loading should feel light.

Lateral Burpee Over the Bar doesn’t require full hip extension at the top, therefore it’s possible to move a little faster by staying low in the jump over.

Fast workout! (Even though it may not feel like it.

Reminder: Quality Movement is a non-negotiable!

This is a fast workout and should be scaled to achieve that effect – lung burner!

B: Metcon (No Measure)

4 Rounds
1:00 Weighted Plank

30sec Weighted Hollow Hold

May 9, 2021 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - HGX-FIT

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A: Metcon (No Measure)

HGX FIT: 5.9.2021


Back: 35min Cap

6 x 10 Bent Over Row (normal grip)

6 x 10 Bent Over Row (wide grip)

6 x 10 Yates Supinated Rows (wide grip)

6 x 10 DB Bent Over Reverse Fly (Moderate-Heavy)

Immediately After….

50 Empty BB Good Mornings

EMOM 10 (Off the RIG)

Min1 – Max effort BB Row (pronate grip)

Min2 – Max effort BB Supine Row

May 8, 2021 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A.: Metcon (Time)

For Time

3 Rounds :

100 Double-unders

70 Air Squats

30 Alt DB Snatches (R+50/35, Rx40/25)

20 Push-Ups

10 Pull-Ups


1000 m Run

*R+ Wear a weighted vest (20/14) throughout.

*CAP: 30 Min

Come on in. Your first class is on us


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551 Taylor Way unit 3, 4, 5 & 6
San Carlos, CA

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