May 11, 2021 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A: Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds
400 Meter Run

24 wall ball GHD Sit-Ups w/ feet anchored

12 Clean and Jerks (R+135/95, Rx 115/75)

Another sweet spot for high intensity! 12-18 mins.

Movement Functions: Run, sit-up, pull from the ground and press overhead.

Seemingly different movements, but be careful, as all three movements require a lot of hip flexion and extension, while stabilizing the trunk. Ouch!

Run = ~1:45-2:15 // GHD Sit-Ups = 1:00-2:00 // C&J = 1:00-2:00

1 Round = ~4:00-5:00 (if we are at 6:00 for the first round, we are missing the mark on the intention).

Loading: Moderate – this tells us we could go unbroken for the 12 C&J, but will likely break into 2-4 sets.

Wall Ball GHD Sit-Up: 72 reps. Done fast, these will leave a mark. If we haven’t been on the wall ball GHD for a while, scale back to somewhere between 10-20 reps and/or reduce the range of motion to parallel


400m Run (approximately 1:45-2:15)

Reduce Distance = 300m / 200m

Modify the Movement = 1000/800m Bike 500m Row (as a last resort)

wall ball GHD Sit-Up

Reduce Reps = 20, 15, 12 – be cautious and err on less reps as athletes are reintroduced to this potent movement

Reduce Range of Motion = Parallel or 1/4 Range (slight lean back)

Substitute the Movement = Overhead Medball Abmat Sit-Up (a fine choice)

Clean & Jerk

Reduce Load = 115/80; 95/65; 75/55; 65/45; 45/35

Modify the Movement = Hang Clean & Push Press or Jerk

B: Metcon (No Measure)

3 Rounds
10 Eccentric SL Barbell Hip Thrust off Bench (5 each leg)

15 Banded Hollow Body Pull-Downs (light band)

20 Banded Kneeling Hip Extensions (heavy band)

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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