January 14, 2017 - No Comments!


HomeGrown CrossFit - Level 1 Group Class

A: Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)

“Rabbit’s Delight”


Complete as many repetitions as you can, as quickly as you can.


Teams of two must complete as many repetitions of the following movements as they can in the time it takes their partner to sprint 400m Run. The mission will commence with one partner running and the other on one of the assigned movements. The “indoor” partner will complete as many repetitions of the movement as they can until their partner returns and they switch roles. After both partners have completed a run and the first movement, the cycle repeats until each partner has completed four 400m sprints and completed all four of the movements.


Thrusters (R+55/45, Rx 45/33)

KB Swings (R+53/35, Rx44/26)

Wall Ball (R+20/14, Rx 16/12)

Box Jumps (R+24/20, Rx20/16″)


A team’s score will be determined by the number of repetitions they complete of the indoor movements, and total time in notes.

Prize: Pride

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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