Next HGX Apparel order Feb
HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness
2:00 Row @ Easy Pace
2 Sets: For Quality
6 Walking Inchworm Push-Ups
10 Cross-Over Box Step-Overs
6/6 Single Leg Barbell Romanian Deadlifts
1 Wall Walk + 10 second Wall Facing Handstand Hold
Specific Workout Primer
Take 3-5 minutes to build to working loads on the Deadlift
Completing 2-3 Box Jump Overs and 2-3 Pike Push-Ups between sets as you build loads
Deadlift @ Weight #1
Box Jump Overs
1-1-1 Wall Walk
Deadlift @ Weight #2
Box Jump Overs
Handstand Push-Ups
This is meant to just prime the system and have athletes feel the loads and progression between movements.
Rest 3-5 minutes before jumping into their heat and starting the workout.
PRVN Community Throwdown Workout #4: (Time)
For Time:
Deadlifts (Rx 185/125, S 155/105)
Box Jump Overs (Rx24/20, S 20/16″)
7-5-3 Wall Walk to 10’’ inch off Wall
-1:00 Rest-
Deadlift (Rx 225/155, S 165/125)
Box Jump Over
Handstand Push-Ups
Time Domain: 12:00-18:00
Time Cap: 20:00
Stimulus: Chipper Conditioning / Pacing
RPE: ~9/10
Athletes should expect to push hard through both segments, with a brief rest to recover partially. The combination of heavier deadlifts and inverted movements (wall walks/HSPU) will quickly elevate heart rate and fatigue.
Primary Objective: Complete each section of the workout as quickly as possible while maintaining proper movement mechanics. Athletes should aim to break deadlift sets judiciously and cycle box jumps efficiently. For the wall walks and HSPU, the goal is to avoid prolonged rest between sets.
Secondary Objective: Move smoothly between exercises with minimal transition time. Controlling the heart rate and breathing after box jump overs will be critical for the subsequent gymnastics movement (wall walks or HSPU), where precision and technique are key.
PRVN Recovery #9
1:00 Barbell Adductor Stretch
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch
1:00 Extended Reverse Plank Bridge
1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch
1;00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold
Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized