January 20, 2025 - No Comments!

Functional Fitness – Mon, Jan 20


HGX Intermural Open Feb 28-March 14

CrossFit Kids MLK Bring a Friend day Jan 20th at 3:30-4:15pm breanne@hgxfit.com to reserve a spot

HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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General Warm-Up

Mobility Prep (2 minutes):

5/5 World’s Greatest Stretch

10 Alternating Scorpions

:20/:20 second Samson Stretch Hold

General Warm-Up (5–7 minutes):

2 Rounds:

10 PVC Pipe Passovers

:15/:15 second PVC Pipe Prayer Stretch

10 Air Squats

6 Hanging Strict Knee Raises

8/6 Calorie Row or Echo Bike

Barbell Specific Prep

Specific Warm-Up: (5-7 minutes):


2 Sets: From the Rack

2 Snatch Grip Push Press + 2 Snatch Grip Push Jerk + 2 Snatch Grip Split Jerk

5 Overhead Squats (empty barbell)

Then Build Towards 75% of 1RM Overhead Squat

Overhead Squat (Every 2:00 x 4 Sets
3 Reps @ 75%+

% of Overhead Squat

"Voodoo Magic" (4 Rounds for time)

For Time:

Every 4:00 x 4 Sets

12 Toe to Bar

10/8 Cal Row, Ski or 8/6 Cal Bike

12 Overhead Squats

10/8 Cal Row, Ski or 8/6 Cal Bike

Barbell: (Rx 95/65, S 75/55)

Goal: 3:00-3:30/set

Score = Sum Total Interval Time

Stimulus: Midline Stamina and Endurance

RPE : 8/10

Primary Objective: Aggressive Machine Paces

Secondary Objective: Unbroken Overhead Squats, Toe to Bar in 2 sets or less.

This workout combines gymnastics, cals and weightlifting in a challenging interval format. Athletes will complete each set for time, resting for the remainder of the 4-minute window before starting the next round. The goal is to maintain consistent pacing across all four sets while minimizing transitions and fatigue buildup.


Work to keep the Toes to Bar in 2 sets or less before moving to an aggressive pace on the Row, Ski or Bike before circling back around to an unbroken set of 12 Overhead Squats and then finishing off with another aggressive hit cals.

Avoid over-pacing the first round, while at the same time remaining consistent and even increasing pace on the final round.

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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