September 24, 2016 - No Comments!


HomeGrown CrossFit - Level 1 Group Class

A: Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)


ScholarMatch began as a simple crowdfunding platform and grew into a full service college-access organization. Our mission is to make college possible for undeserved youth by matching students with donors, resources, colleges, and professional networks. ScholarMatch has expanded rapidly from serving just 39 students in 2010 to working with more than 500 students per year. Though crowdfunded scholarships remain at the core, our college advising, career coaching, and other services are an essential part of each student’s college journey.

In Teams of two AMRAP 25min

At the top of every 5min both partner have to stop what they are doing and Run 250m. When both partners return continue were you left off.

The athlete that begins the 20 reps must complete the 20 reps and you must switch each exercise.

Example Round 1 – Partner A does wallball, situps, pushups, squats and Partner B does DU, jumping lunges, ring rows. Round 2 would then switch with partner B starting with the wallball etc…

20 Wall Ball (R+20/14, Rx 16/12)

20 DU (Scale 40 Singles +10 Attempts of DU)

20 Ab Mat Sit-ups

20 Jumping Lunges

20 Push ups

20 Ring Rows

20 Squats

*Record total Rounds and reps together, the run counts as 0.

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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