Next HGX Apparel order Feb
HomeGrown AthletX - Uniquely Abled Fitness
Warm-up (No Measure)
3x w/ partner
10 sit-ups (total)
10 wb passes over bar
10 plank high fives
Hang Power Snatch (Warm up w/ pvc
AMRAP 12 (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
2 kettlebell swings
2 push-ups (db push press?)
2 box jumps/kb rainbow transfer
2 jumping pull ups or ring rows
Add 2 reps to all movements each round
Next HGX Apparel order Feb
HomeGrown AthletX - Legends
Metcon (No Measure)
Interval training:
Every 4min for 5 rounds
:90sec of row or ski
12/12 DB shoulder press
12/12 DB bent over rows
12/12 Red band lat pulls
15 Red band face pulls
**Rest 2min b/t rounds
***500M walk at the end of round 5
Next HGX Apparel order Feb
HomeGrown AthletX - HGX-FIT
A: Shoulder Press (Every :90sec
5x3 at 82-85%)
B: Shoulder shrugs (EMOM
5x 5at 85-88%)
C: Metcon (No Measure)
3 sets
10 DB Side angle lateral delt raises
10 DB Front delt raises
10 DB Arnold press
D: Pendlay Row (5x8 at 75% of 1RM
b/t sets
8/8 Renegade rows)
Next HGX Apparel order Feb
HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness
400m Easy Run
2 Sets, For Quality
9/7 Calorie Machine of Choice
:30 second Jump Rope
10 Down Dog Calf Gas Pedals
10/10 Single Leg Glute Bridge
“Eleven’s Fury” (8 Rounds for reps)
8 Sets, For Max Reps
3:00 AMRAP / 1:00 Rest
10/8 Cal Bike
200m Run
10/8 Cal Row or Ski
- Max Double Unders
Goal: 30+ Double Unders / Set
Primary Objective: Maximize total Double Unders across all 8 intervals. Complete the Echo Bike, Run, and Row quickly yet sustainably, leaving ample time to accumulate reps on the rope.
Secondary Objective : Maintain a consistent work pace throughout each 3:00 interval, focusing on smooth transitions and efficient breathing. Stay composed under fatigue to preserve technique on both machines and Double Unders.
Stimulus : A high-intensity interval workout that blends cardiovascular endurance, muscular stamina, and coordination.
RPE : ~8/10
Effort should feel tough but repeatable. Athletes will be breathing heavily and feel a rising heart rate, yet should still control their pace and recover enough during the 1-minute rest to tackle the next interval.
PRVN Yoga Flow #2
2 Rounds for Quality
:15sec Down Dog
:30sec Up Dog
15sec Down Dog
:30sec Tall Lunge (right)
:30sec Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch (right)
:15sec Down Dog
:30sec Tall Lunge (left)
:30sec Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch (left)
Next HGX Apparel order Feb
HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness
3 Sets, For Quality
10 Alternating Box Step-Ups
10 Scapular Push-Ups
8/8 Single Kettlebell Staggered Stance Romanian Deadlift
:15 second Dead-Hang + :15 second Active Hang
6/6 Single Arm Ring Rows
Strength Superset (8 Rounds for weight)
Every 3:00 x 4 Sets
10-10-8-8 Deadlifts
4-6 Weighted Strict Pull-Ups
% of Deadlifts, starting @ 60%, goal of increasing to 70%
Pull-Ups: Choice on Load, Heavy
"Mind Flayer" (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
For Total Reps
12:00 AMRAP
American Kettlebell Swings
Box Jump Overs
Kettlebell: (Rx53/35, S 44/26)
Box Height: (Rx24/20, S 20/16″)
Goal: Complete the Round of 14 reps and into the round of 16 reps.. This would equate to 1 rep every 3 seconds. With these movements that would be very possible given the cyclical nature of these movements.
Primary Objective: Complete as many repetitions as possible in 12 minutes. Push for consistency in movement transitions and aim to sustain a strong, steady pace throughout.
Secondary Objective: Maintain unbroken sets in early rounds and strategically break movements in later rounds to avoid hitting failure, especially on grip-intensive exercises like pull-ups and kettlebell swings
RPE: 7-8/10: High effort as the rep count climbs, focusing on consistent pacing and movement quality.
PRVN Recovery #7
1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretc h
1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch
1:00/1:00 Wall Figure 4 Stretch
1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fol d
Next HGX Apparel order Feb
HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness
3 Sets, For Quality
200m Run
4 Tall Muscle Cleans
6 Strict Press
4 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Press
8 Abmat Sit-Ups
2 Sets, Building to working loads for the day.
4 Hang Power Cleans
4 Burpees to Target
4 Shoulder to Overhead
8 Abmat Sit-Ups
“Demodog Duo” (2 Rounds for time)
Part A)
0:00- 15:00
3 Rounds
400m Run
12 Hang Power Cleans
12 Burpees to Target
Part B)
3 Rounds for Time
400m Run
12 Shoulder to Overhead
24 Abmat Sit-Ups
Barbell Load: (Rx135/95, S 115/75)
Score = Sum Total Time of Part A and Part B
Goal Time Domain: Part A and Part B: Each 9:00-13:00 minutes
Combined, most athletes should finish each part well within the 15-minute window, leaving some transition/rest time before starting the next part.
Time Cap: Each part has a 15-minute cap. At 15:00, Part A ends (regardless of completion). Athletes must start Part B immediately at 15:00 and have until 30:00 to complete it.
Primary Objective: Sustain a strong, consistent pace over both intervals. Focus on efficient barbell cycling (limited rest between reps) and controlled but continuous movement on the run and bodyweight movements.
Stimulus: Moderate intensity with slightly higher volume on the runs and bodyweight movements. Athletes should feel aerobic fatigue from running combined with muscular demand from the barbell and high-rep bodyweight exercises.
RPE 7–8 : You should feel consistently challenged but still able to move swiftly with short rest periods. The final round of each part may push closer to RPE 8+.
Optional Accessories (Checkmark)
4 Sets, For Quality
20 Russian Twists (Over and Back = 1)
- Max Hollow Hold
Rest 30 seconds
6 Inchworm to Hollow Hold (5sec @ Extended Plank)
- Max Weighted Plank @ 45/25lb
Rest 60 seconds b/t sets