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Soda anyone?  Before you say yes,  read this: An article on the American Academy of Neurology suggests that  drinking sweetened beverages, especially diet drinks, is associated with an increased risk of depression in adults.   Or take a hold of this, aside from the health problems that go along with a widening waistline, diet soft drinks have also been linked to an increase in diabetes, heart attack,stroke AND depression. That article can be read here.

So leave the soda diet or not alone.  Get acquainted with old awesome water...


Ladies, while cardio is essential for heart health and tiny weights may help you tone, there are lots of serious, science-backed reasons to add heavy weights to your regimen. (And no, you won't end up looking like a body builder. That's actually a full-time job.)  I just recently read an article which delineates 8 reasons why should be lifting heavy weights.  You can read the whole article here.

1. You'll Torch Body Fat
2. You'll Look More Defined
3. You'll Fight Osteoporosis
4. You'll Burn More Calories
5. You'll Build Strength Faster
6. You'll Lose Belly Fat
7. You'll Feel Empowered
8. You'll Prevent Injury


Not long ago I wrote about being successful at CrossFit and what would it take.   And yes, you have to work hard, but that is only 1/3 of the equation.  The other 2/3 depend on your nutrition and your state of mind.  “The greatest adaptation to CrossFit takes place right here: in our mind,” Greg Amundson says, paraphrasing CrossFit Founder and CEO Greg Glassman. “Our words become real,” therefore if you’re drowning in negative self-talk and self-pity, you’re not going to optimize performance. But if you speak in positive terms and maintain the right frame of mind, many great things are possible


Hey.. SCCF athletes,  remember that we have expanded our calendar of classes.  We are now offering two new  level I CrossFit classes at 7:30 PM  on Mondays and Wednesdays .  In addition, two Level II CrossFit classes at 7:30 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays   (You can attend this class pre-approval from Breanne or Kris)

We also have expanded our open gym times,  see our schedule for details.

Come on in. Your first class is on us


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551 Taylor Way unit 3, 4, 5 & 6
San Carlos, CA

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