January 7, 2011 - No Comments!

the future

Friday 01.07.11
Mobility: Spend 10 minutes prepping for muscle up from MWOD #122

Skill: Muscle up

For Time:
Muscle Up
Hang Power Clean (135/95)
1 Mile Run

Thursday 01.06.11
Mobility: Spend 10-15 minutes working on bits from MWOD #116

Skill: Hang Power Clean

For time:
75 Wall Ball (20/14)

Wednesday 01.05.11

AMRAP 12 mins:
7 Push Press (115/85)
14 Lateral Burpees (over bar)
21 Double Unders

Tuesday 01.04.11
Skill: Spend 15+ minutes working position of headstand or handstand, depending on level

For time:
1000m Run
Back Extension
500m Run

Monday 01.03.11
Back Squat

5 Rounds of:
200m Row
21 KB Swings (53/35)
rest 60 seconds

the future moves fast...

We welcome Twenty Eleven with a host of new athletes, and friends we can now call regulars. It has been an amazing ride this last year and we only hope to get better with age. There are many exciting items in store so get down to the shop and see what we are up to. One thing we hope to do is post more regularly this here website. Believe me, we hear it everyday, and if this could actually be a full time reality for us, it would happen that much faster.  So bring all your lurking friends who have wondering why you look so good and eat so much grass fed meat, and the future of SCCF will be even brighter.  Some other items on the horizon are new programs (Kids, Endurance, SPEAR, Rowing, revised On Ramp, etc), educational seminar/clinics, competitions, new apparel, more cooking demos, and client progress assessments, so get ready for OUR future.

It's 2011 and we want to hear your resolve...drop a post in the comments, facebook or email branden@sancarloscrossfit.com

Published by: Staff in Blog, Workout of the Day

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