November 18, 2012 - No Comments!

Monday 11.19.12

Congratulations to three of our SCCF athletes.  They participated this weekend in three grueling endurance events.

Shane Stent participated in “The Spartan Race" which is an arduous test of guts and heart under normal conditions.   This past weekend conditions were anything but normal, it turns out that the Weather Gods made the conditions even more brutal than anything any Spartan  has ever seen.  Several athletes were sent to the hospital suffering from hypothermia. Conditions were pretty brutal out there.  For the full story, click here.   Shane did awesome, he finished 14th of 250 in his very competitive age group,  with a blistering time of 3:17, congratulations Shane.

Oliver Gutierrez went to Tempe Arizona to compete in a full Ironman Triathlon.  An IM consists of 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and 26.2 mile run, talk about insanity.  He just crossed the Finish line (8:45 PM SF time)  His overall time was about 14:43 something.   Definitely a  PR from last year's IronMan,  Way to go Oliver, you make us  really proud.

David Firkins finished the World Toughest Mudder this morning.   This is an insane 24 hour extreme race competition that puts the world’s most hardcore Mudders through a grueling 24-hour challenge designed to find the toughest man, woman, and 4-person team on the planet. When the mud settled this morning, David earned the right to call himself one the World’s Toughest Mudder!  Apparently, he swears by chicken broth and neoprene.  David, congratulations on this awesome finish.

San Carlos CrossFit is very proud of this trio,  congratulations Boys,   now… what is next?

Published by: Staff in Workout of the Day

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