October 21, 2012 - No Comments!

Monday 10.22.12

By popular demand,  the meat share is back...

We have grassfed meat being delivered to the gym shorty   Get yours, quantity is limited and there is a deadline for ordering..

How it works!!

  1. Order yours  by signing your name at the gym, we know you could sign your name like a doctor (no offense to doctors, but we need to read your name).
  2. The packages will be a combination of ground beef and different cuts.  The price per pound is $6.00, the “packages” will be in 20#’s increments. There is also a “specialty” package that contains a combination of beef/pork/and lamb.  The price for this 20#’s is $150.00.
  3. Pay in advance with check or cash (if paid by CC, we need to add a $5.00 surcharge) to deal with CC expenses, we do not make any profit from the meat share so please help us to minimize your costs and ours.
  4. Be available to pick up your meat the day of delivery,  if you are NOT available, please have someone to pick up your meat.  We will not be able to store your meat at the gym.

Published by: Staff in Workout of the Day

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