It is estimated that the average human being has around 50,000 thoughts per day. That is a hell of a lot of thoughts, right? Some of those are positive and productive others are going to be negative, angry, fearful, and worrisome. Indeed the important question in terms of becoming more peaceful isn’t whether you are going to have negative thoughts – you are – it is what you chose to do with what you have.
We really have two tow options when it comes to dealing with negative thoughts. We can analyze them, ponder, think though, study, and think some more or you can ignore them altogether. This later option is far more effective. So when you are having negative thoughts… just ignore them and downplay them, they will go away if you don’t pay attention to them. CrossFit is a great way to practice dealing with negative thoughts. When you think you can’t do something, try again, the PR you want to set, mastering double unders, or getting that muscle up starts in your head.
Published by: Staff in Workout of the Day
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