October 23, 2012 - No Comments!

Imminent Brain Surgery.. Ugh!!

One of the misconceptions about crossfit is that it is hardcore elite fitness.  Just the description in the main page about how it was developed for the British elite forces really makes “regular” people afraid of what it might be.    But what if you are not a member of the elite armed forces, a member of the swat team or gifted athlete..   What if you, like the 99% of us, are a regular guy, a mere mortal?..     What if you are suffering from a disease that is actually threatening your life, your well being, whether it is diabetes, a brain tumor, cancer etc.   Could you CrossFit?

The short answer is yes… the long answer is OOOHHYYYEEAAA!!

I have seen remarkable transformations at SCCF over the last two years, including my own. People have come to SCCF completely out of shape and now they are incredible athletes.   Do you remember your first workout?  How did you feel about it?  How do you feel about it now?.   Most importantly, I have experienced or I am experiencing an unexpected bonus.

As you know, I am a brain tumor survivor and just recently had my regular checkup..  it turns out that my brain tumor is back and in a week, I will have  yet another brain surgery.    But here is the bonus, the size of the tumor is big that it should have given me some major symptoms by now, yet I am experiencing none. Why?… because I am in good health, and I push myself physically all the time.   It was as if the brain scan wasn't mine…  and I wish it wasn't… CrossFit will not only get you in the best shape of your life,  it will also keep you there.

I saw a video about “what is your excuse” and it really hit home because we usually have a million excuses for not working out.   And I truly believe that our health and happiness have no price and we should put them in the front line   Being fit and happy is the best thing you can do for yourself, and for the ones you love. Being fit and happy will affect the way you feel, the way others feel about you and most importantly….  It will keep you healthier.

It does not matter where you are right now; keep challenging yourself and you will experience what I have experienced….   Happiness, fitness and health…

Published by: Staff in Blog

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