December 12, 2010 - No Comments!

festive collision on the peninsula

Saturday 12.11.10
"12 days of Xmas 2010"
1 Sandbag Run
2 Pistols
3 Knees to Elbows
4 Box Jumps
5 Burpees
6 Pull-ups
7 Sit-ups
8 Ring Dips
9 KB Swings
10 Tire Flips
11 Hollow Rocks
12 Handstand Push-ups

you know the song...

Friday 12.10.10
5 Rounds for time:
400m Run
15 KB Swings (72/53#)
30 Squats

Thursday 12.09.10
Skill: Muscle Ups

For Time:
21 Shoulder Press (95/65#)
400m Run
21 Push Press
400m Run
21 Push Jerk
400m Run

Wednesday 12.08.10
Skill: Kip

AMRAP 15 min:
8 DB Hang Squat Clean (50/30#)
8 Clapping Push-ups

Tuesday 12.07.10
Skill: Handstand

3 Rounds for time:
10 Handstand Push-up
10 1-arm KB Swings (5 each arm)
10 Burpees

Monday 12.06.10
Capacity Test:
21, 15, 9
Thruster (95/65#)

rest 10 minutes

Run 2.5k

Devon helping Laura work through some issues... For more of these wonderful therapies, visit Mobility WOD

We want to thank Mad Dawg, and all our SCCF family for sharing in Saturday's shindig, which included painful building of bonds, roasted pig, drinks, shake weight demos and a paleo brain eating bonanza. If you missed some of these priceless moments, our facebook page should have photos posted soon.

Published by: Staff in Blog, Workout of the Day

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