Ok SCCF boys and girls… this is the time to look back at the ending year and think about what you would like to accomplish in the new year… yes… your “new year’s resolutions” ...you got that right… the ones that most people make, the ones that we might share with a few people, stick to them for a few days, weeks and perhaps one or two months but they eventually fall to the side and get forgotten.
I think it is time to redefine and be different this year. You can keep your Personal resolutions to yourself… things like (cook more, watch less tv, talk more to your spouse, STOP SMOKING). However, I would like to challenge you to stop going to the box “Just Because”. Everyone that comes through SCCF doors should have a goal that want to achieve or something they want to change. Of course no goals is too big or too small, No one’s goal is any more important or valid than anyone else’s goal. They come from many different places. Some goals come from pride and a desire for a new personal best at something. Some come from family and not wanting to suffer a preventable death like that of a loved one. Some from vanity…who doesn’t want to look better naked? The bottom line is that they are very personal and extremely important to the individual.
Let’s have everyone in SCCF take a few days and really think about why you are here, what keeps you working so hard here, and what do you want from this.
We encourage you to pick up a pen and a piece of paper and jot down the goals you want to reach. Look at each goal and evaluate it. Make any changes necessary to ensure it meets the criteria for a SMART goals:
- S = Specific
- M = Measurable
- A = Attainable
- R = Realistic
- T = Timely
“I Want to look good naked” is a great goal but tough to quantify and measure. Goals can range from races you will run, weights you will lift, weight you will lose, anything you want as long as it fits into the above categories.
So remember, you are at SCCF because you want to achieve something. It is time to get specific about it. Write them down, share it with your coach, mentor or friends and get busy achieving them.
Please post your Your Goal to the comments section if you dare!!
Published by: Staff in Blog