June 14, 2010 - No Comments!

be accurate

Monday 06.14.10
Snatch Balance:

AMRAP in 8 minutes:
50m Shuttle Run
8 KB Swing (HEAVY!)
16 Push-ups

post loads and times comments

Allyson M, Heather B, and Jane H having fun with bells in the morning light

Snatch balance is a skill transfer exercise that requires speed, accuracy, and power all working in concert. Any deviation from this will result in a failed attempt, when working at max loads.  Its ability to reveal poor mechanics in the overhead squat is powerful, as a violation in midline control, shoulder stability, and balance becomes immediately apparent vs the strict overhead squat that will allow you a slow death.

Chris Spealler v Eric O'Connor - Heavy snatch balances - video [wmv] [mov]

Tanya Wagner - 125lb snatch balance - video [wmv] [mov]

Brendan Gilliam 1RM Snatch Balance - video [wmv] [mov]

This Thursday's 5:30/6:00am class is being combined and transferred to the pool, so don't forget to sign up for our Swim WOD.

Published by: Staff in Blog, Workout of the Day

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