HomeGrown CrossFit - Level 1 Group Class
A: Metcon (No Measure)
Skill Work: 3 movements rotate every 2min, for 12min (2 Rounds):
1) 5-10 Rolls to Candlestick
2) 1min Handstand Walk
(use wall and lift hands or just hold HS if you don’t have HS walks yet, perform for 1min then rest)
3) 16-20 Alternating Pistols
(if you’re proficient, add wt)
*we will be doing pistols tomorrow work, on the skill
B: Metcon (6 Rounds for reps)
EMOM 24min (6 Rounds):
Minute 1 – Row (R+200/150, Rx150/100m)
Minute 2 – 15 KBS (R+70/53, Rx 53/44#)
Minute 3 – 10 BB Thrusters (R+95/65, Rx 75/55#)
Minute 4 – 4-6 DB Turkish Get ups (R+55/35, Rx 45/25) (work each arm)
*score is total reps each round
Published by: Staff in Uncategorized