August 4, 2021 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds (For Quality)

5 each arm bottom up KB Press or Just a DB press (light)

10 Inch worm + :15 sec Down dog hold

10 Alt Cossack Squats

30-sec Front Rack barbell Squat hold

B: Squat Clean ((Halt Clean Below Knee + Clean), Week 3/12)

Set 1: 2+2 reps @ 65%

Set 2: 2+2 reps @ 65%

Set 3: 1+2 reps @ 70%

Set 4: 1+2 reps @ 75%

Set 5: 1+2 reps @ 75%

- Rest 1ish minutes B/T Sets -

Cleans are not touch and go,

reset after each clean.

% are based off your 1rm clean

C: Metcon (Time)

2:00 On / 1:00 Off Until Completion

200 Run (100m x2)

8 Strict Handstand Push-ups

Max Reps Double Devil Press (R+50/35, Rx 40/25)

Continue until you Reach 40 Devil Press Reps

*Record time including rest

Rx: 6 Strict HSPU

Scaled: 35/15# DB (30 Reps) / 2 Wall Walks

Goal: 15-18 min

Cap: 23 min

These intervals should feel like sprint efforts from the very first round. Bank as much time as possible for the devil press by moving quickly through the run and hspu

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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