August 27, 2021 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A: Metcon (Time)

Barbell Conditioning
30 Power Snatches (R+75/55, Rx 65/45)

Rest 1:00

20 Power Snatches (R+95/65, Rx75/55)

Rest 1:00

20 Shoulder to Overhead (R+95/65, Rx75/55)

Rest 1:00

30 Shoulder to Overhead (R+75/55, Rx 65/45)

*Score is total time to complete all four movements (subtract the rest)

B: Metcon (Time)

42-30-18 reps of:

Calorie Row or Ski

Alt DB Hang Snatches (R+50/35, Rx40/25)

Time Cap: 15 minutes

This one is all about dropping the hammer. Pure intensity, go hard on the rower and try to breathe and recovery as much as possible on the DB hang snatches

Machine Subs:

Assault Bike: 32-22-12

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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