August 1, 2019 - No Comments!


HomeGrown CrossFit - CrossFit

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A: Snatch (Barbell Cycling)

On the 2:30 x 5 Sets:

3-Position Power Snatch

3-Position Squat Snatch

This complex involves a total of (6) reps.

1 High Hang Power Snatch (pocket-level)

1 Hang Power Snatch (knee-level)

1 Power Snatch (from the floor)

1 High Hang Squat Snatch (pocket-level)

1 Hang Squat Snatch (knee-level)

1 Squat Snatch (from the floor

A increase from last week. Barbell load - 60% of 1RM Snatch.

Note: Focus on better movement than last week with a 5% weight increase. If you are having challenges, please decrease weight.

B: Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

Teams of 2
Ascending Ladder for 25 Minutes


Row Calories

Kettlebell Swings (R+53/35, Rx44/26)

Wallballs (R+20/14, Rx 16/12)

* one person works at a time

Example: P1 3 cals, P2 3 cals, P1 3 KBS, P2 3 KBS, P1 3WB, P2 3WB, P1 6 Cal, P2 6 Cal

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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