HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
:20 On / 10 Off
3 Rounds
Line Hops
Shoulder Taps
Air Squats
Then - 1 Round
PVC Snatch Warm-up
10 Pass Throughs
10 Snatch grip push press
10 Snatch Balances
10 Overhead Squats
B: Snatch (Week 1/12 - 5 Sets)
(Halt Sq Snatch below knee + Sq Snatch)
Sets 1-2 : 2+1 Reps @60%
Sets 3-4 : 1+ 1 Reps @65%
Set 5 : 1+1 Reps @70%
- Rest 1ish minutes B/T Sets
*% are Based off 1RM Snatch
*Squat Snatch are NOT touch and go, reset after each
The Halt Snatch is a great exercise to work on strengthening positions, learning how to assign tension properly and train the timing aspect of the arms and how that relates to the transition into your overhead squat.
A common error in Snatch technique is letting our hips rise BEFORE our shoulders. We don’t want to pull the Snatch from the floor with our arms or back.
Think about it like a leg press, where you’re really pushing with the legs to initiate the movement so shoulders and hips rise together
C: Metcon (6 Rounds for reps)
EMOM for 18:00 (6 Rounds)
Min 1: 8 Double DB Devil Press (R+50/35, Rx 40/25)
Min 2: 8 Bar Muscle-ups
Min 3: 18/14 Calorie Row
R+: As Prescribed
Rx: 6 Double DB Devil Press / 6 BMU / 15/12 Cal Row
Scaled: 5 Devil Press 35/15# / 5 Pull-ups / 12/9 Calorie Row
Goal: BMU should be unbroken throughout. This will be a high heart rate piece throughout so try and manage fatigue by moving efficiently on every movement. Pick a steady pace on the rower ski or Bike that will allow you to use to transitions straight to the devil press and start them right away. Remember if you are over :50 on any movement within the first couple of minutes, scale the reps but only scale each movements once during the EMOM
Machine Subs:
Ski/ Same
Bike: 16/12 Calorie
Run: 200m
Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized