June 16, 2021 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A: Metcon (No Measure)

On the 3:00 x 3 Sets
25′ Double Dumbbell Pausing Step Forward Lunges

25′ Double Dumbbell Step Forward Lunges

Pausing Walking Lunge – :1 pause with back knee on the ground or very very close to the ground.

Dumbbells held in the front rack position, with hands on handles. Build up if you can

B: Metcon (Time)

10 Rounds For Time
3 Ring Muscle-Ups

6 Front Squats (R+155/105, Rx125/85)

13/9 Cal Row or Ski or 9/6 Cal Bike

*25min time cap


MUSCLE-UPS: 3 MU takes ~15 unbroken. The number of Muscle-Ups we choose for today must be unbroken for the majority, if not ALL rounds. We do not want to be staring at rings for :20.

If we are not doing Muscle-Ups, we can modify to a Burpee Pull-Up for 3 reps. This movement preserves the pull and the push. Also good option to modify are decreasing reps (1 MU) or 3 Muscle-Up Kneeling Transitions

FRONT SQUATS: 6 Front Squats should take less than :30 and unbroken. Breaking the 6 up will mean the load is too heavy for today.

The Front Squat will be taken from the ground.

CALS: it should be quick, but it will be uncomfortable.

Again, this amount of calories should take ~ :30 seconds. If we are spending a minute here, the calories are too high.


[General Order – 1) Intensity via loads, reps/distance, time 2) Movements via modifications, substitutions or replacement (injury)]

RING MUSCLE UPS: Decrease Reps, Ring Muscle Up Transitions (Seated/Banded), Bar Muscle Ups

FRONT SQUATS: Decrease Load, Double Dumbbell/Single DB Goblet, 12 Air Squats

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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