June 4, 2021 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A: Metcon (Weight)

Snatch Pull Complex - Heavy 5 TNG Power Snatch
3 Sets:

1 Snatch Grip Tempo Deadlift (4s up, 4s down)

1 Snatch Grip Deadlift

1 Snatch Pull

really work on positioning


build up to a heavy 5 touch and go power snatch

B: Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)


250 Run

1 Round of "Cindy"

3 Power Clean and Jerks (R+135/95, Rx 115/75)

250 Run

1 Round of "Cindy"

6 Power Clean and Jerks

250 Run

1 Round of "Cindy"

9 Power Clean and Jerks

[Add 3 Power Clean and Jerks Per Round]



100m Run

1 Round of "Cindy" (decrease reps to 3 Pull-Ups / 7 Push-Ups / 9 Squats)

2 Power Clean and Jerks

100m Run

1 Round of "Cindy"

4 Power Clean and Jerks

100m Run

1 Round of "Cindy"

6 Power Clean and Jerks

[Add 2 Power Clean and Jerks Per Round]

This is an interesting one!

It’s hard to tell how far we can get in 25:00.

What we do know is that it should take ~1:00 for Cals & 1:00 for 1 Round of "Cindy".

It’s possible to do in 1:00 we can be looking at anywhere between 5-10 Power Clean & Jerks.

So, perhaps we are looking to get somewhere between the round of 12 to 18??

Who knows!??! We are excited to find out.


For "Cindy" rounds, we encourage you to scale to options that allow for constant movement. Decreasing reps or modifying the movement (i.e., ring row vs. banded pull-up) to allow constant movement, is going to be the right call for today.

For the C&J – the load should feel manageable for 10 unbroken reps on any given day.



Reduce meters

18/12 Calorie Row/ski or 10/7


Reduce Load

Hang C&J (For simplicity or injury)

Injury: Only Clean or Only Jerk


Pull-Ups: 5 Banded/Jumping

Push-Ups: Reduce Reps or Elevate hands to a box or bench before dropping to knee push ups

Air Squats- Reduce Reps or Squat to a target

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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