May 26, 2018 - No Comments!


HomeGrown CrossFit - CrossFit

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A: Metcon (Time)

As a team of 3 together complete the following for time:

800m Run

80 Synchro Front Squats (R+95/65, Rx 75/55)

80 Synchro Sit ups

600m Run

60 Monkey in the middle Wall Ball (R+20/14, Rx 16/12)

60 Synchro K2E

400m Run

40 Synchro Front Squats

40 Synchro Sit ups

200m Run

20 Monkey in the middle Wall Ball

20 Synchro K2E

*All 3 athletes run together

*2 athletes working, 1 resting during synchro

*Monkey in the middle Wall Ball. 2 partnars are passing the wall ball over the 1 partner in the middle who is holding the Front Sq BB over head.

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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