May 22, 2019 - No Comments!


HomeGrown CrossFit - CrossFit

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

15 DB Complex of

Renegade rows L, renegade Row R, power clean, Alt strict Press

B: Barbell Cycling

On the 2:00 x 5 Sets:

3 Power Cleans

1 Pausing Push Jerk

2 Push Jerks

* On the pausing push jerk, the first of the three overheads: 2 second pause in the dip position, and 2 second pause in the catch (quarter squat receiving position). No pause in the second and third overhead movements.

C1: Fran (Time)

Thrusters, 95# / 65#
On the 0:00... Part#1

C2: Metcon (Time)

On the 5:00...Rest 1min and add wt
On the 6:00... Part #2


Deadlifts (R+ 225/155, Rx 165/125)

Strict Handstand Pushups

C3: Amanda (Time)

Snatch, 135#/95#
On the 11:00...Rest 1min and add wt ... On 12:00 Part#3

* theses are 3 very intense workouts. That mean you need to set all wt and gymnastic movements so you are finish under the time cap.

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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