April 30, 2021 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A: Metcon (6 Rounds for weight)

Weighted Supine Bar Rows

On the 2:00 x 6 Sets:

5 Weighted Supine Bar Rows

*may need partner or coach to add plates to chest

B: Metcon (Calories)

Max Calorie

Every 3 Minutes [Starting at 0:00]:

50 Double Unders

12 Burpees

We have two parts to today’s workout, starting with some weighted Supine Bar Rows. You can elevate your feet on a box and add plates to your hips as needed

In order to build in some recovery time, a new round begins every 2 minutes [0-2-4-6-8-10] The 5 reps within that 2-minute window are designed to be completed unbroken. Athletes have the option to increase weight with each set or stay at one load across. These are to be performed with the palms facing away from the body

Our metcon that follows is scored as total calories accumulated over the 18 minutes

The jump rope and Burpees every 3 minutes will interrupt our progress on the row, ski or bike

Complete the listed reps on the rope and Burpees before moving back to the cal

Rope and Burpees happen on the [0-3-6-9-12-15] These should take no more than 2 minutes to complete, giving you at least 1 minute on the row, ski or bike


Choose a rep number or variation that takes 1 minute or less to complete


Athletes can keep the monitor running for all 18 minutes or write down their calories after each round



Reduce Reps

1 Minute of Practice

75 Single Unders (1.5x)

50 Double Taps


Max Calorie Any Machine

Max Shuttle Runs [10 Meters]

C: Metcon (No Measure)

3 Rounds
8 Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats (Each Leg)

10 Strict Toes to Bar

50m Single Kettlebell/DB Farmers Carry (Each Side)

Rest as Needed Between Sets

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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