April 23, 2020 - No Comments!


HomeGrown CrossFit - CrossFit

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

:60s Frog Hops

6 Inchworms

6 KB DB Alt Snatches (light weight)

12 Alt Reverse Lunges (6 Each Side) (light weight)

:40s Push-ups

4 Inchworms

4 KB DB Alt Snatches (light weight)

8 Alt Reverse Lunges- (6 Each Side) (light weight)

:20s Burpees

2 Inchworms

2 KB DB Alt Snatches (workout weight)

4 Alt Reverse Lunges - (6 Each Side) (workout weight)

B: Metcon (Time)

Every 3min x 7 Rounds:
12 KB DB Alt Power Snatches or Odd Object (OO) Ground to Overhead or BB power snatches

6 KB BB OO DB Lateral Burpees

12 KB BB OO DB Alt Forward Lunges

6 KB BB OO DB Lateral Burpees

*We’ll work through 7 fast paced intervals today

*You’ll work through the 4 exercises for time and rest until the next round begins

*Rounds begin on the 0-3-6-9-12-15-18

*Choose weight or reps that allow you to complete the rounds in 2min+/-. Give yourself at least 1min+/- for rest time

*Your "score" is the slowest of the 7 rounds

C: Metcon (No Measure)

3 Rounds
30s Max Double KB BB OO DB Row

30s Max Chest Slap Pushups or push ups

30s Max Double KB BB OO DB Romanian DL

30s Max Pushups

Rest :30s between each

*Rows - Single or double DB KB, or BB OO can work.

*Clapping Pushups - Can be completed as any variation of pushup (regular, knees, box)

*Romanian Deadlifts - Unlock knees, but allow them to be a larger hinge than a traditional deadlift. No need to touch ground with wt (go as low as comfortable)

*Pushups - Can be completed with same intentions above (knees or box an option)

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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