April 14, 2020 - No Comments!


HomeGrown CrossFit - CrossFit

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds
1 Minute Cardio (Run, Rope, Jacks, mt. Climbers)

10 Lateral Jumps over DB BB KB

6 DB KB BB Power Cleans

6 DB KB BB Push Press

10 Push-ups

B: Metcon (Time)

100 DB KB BB Power Clean and Jerks Video

*On The Minute - 5 Lateral Burpees over DB KB BB


3, 2, 1 go you will start with 5 lateral Burpees over object

*No need to extend the hips fully on our Burpees

Once you've completed 5 Burpees immediately move into Clean and Jerks

*DB will start with each head of the dumbbell on the ground, move to the shoulder, and finish locked out over head with a full hip extension at the top

*Let's choose a DB KB BB weight that would allow you to hit 20+ reps when fresh

*When Minute 1 hits- you will complete 5 more Burpees then move back to the DB KB BB

*Continue to move through the two movements until you've completed 100 Clean and Jerks

*Your score will be however long it takes you to finish 100 Clean and Jerks

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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