April 1, 2016 - No Comments!


HomeGrown CrossFit - Level 1 Group Class

A: Metcon (Weight)

3 Rounds

100ft Keg Carry (build up in wt)

1min Hollow Body Holds(accumulated time)

1min Chin Up lock offs (hold yourself over the bar in a Supinated-Grip (accumulated time)

*100ft=length of the gym, pull-up bar to wall ball wall and back

*Record wt of Keg successfully carried 100ft

B: Metcon (Time)

4 Rounds

10 DB Turkish get ups (5 each arm) (R+55/35, Rx 45/25)

250m Run

2 Rope Climbs (Scale 6 Rope K2E)

Published by: Staff in Uncategorized

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