December 8, 2015 - No Comments!


HomeGrown CrossFit - Level 1 Group Class

The Annual HGX Holiday Party is this Friday Dec 11th at 7:30pm. This year the theme will be HOLIDAY FLARE- come in your most festive outfit.

This will be a potluck style party where members, friends and family are welcome to bring their favorite dish or drink to share. There will be games and a contest for the best outfit with prizes. Also we will be doing a white elephant gift exchange. Bring one wrapped gift to contribute and participate.

A: Metcon (AMRAP - Reps)

In teams of three, complete 5 Rounds for max reps/cals of (20min total):

60sec of Rowing (for cals)

60sec of DB Man-Makers (R+45/25, Rx 35/15)

60sec of BB Thrusters (R+75/55, Rx 65/45)

Rest 2min

Teams get one erg, ideally one set of DB and one BB. Team members rotate through the three work stations at 60sec intervals and all members rest at the same time. Post total score (cals rowed and reps completed).

*Man-Maker=Alt. DB Rows from the plank, push up, sq clean, thruster

Published by: Staff in Uncategorized

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