November 8, 2021 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

12:00 for Quality
1:00 Row Ski or Bike

16 Glute Bridges

12 Alternating Box Step-Ups

8 Step-Down Box Jumps

4 Chin-Ups or 8 Supine Grip Ring Rows

B: Rope climb technique

-Sitting on Box, Find the Correct Foot Hold, Then Stand and Hold

-Then Standing, Hold High,

Then Lift Feet and Find J-Hook then stand on J-Hook

-Then Jump, Tuck Knees to Chest, find J-Hook then move hands to higher position on rope.


Advanced athletes: Work on jumping and grabbing higher on the first pull. Also work on descending faster with the fireman descent.

C: Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

20:00 AMRAP
2 Rope Climbs

20 Alt Step Fwd Double DB Lunges (R+50/35, Rx 40/25) (hold DB by sides)

15 Box Jump Overs (R+24/20, Rx20/16″)

27/19 Cal Row or Ski or 18/13 Cal Bike

Goal: 3-5 Rounds

SUBS: 4/4 Single Arm Supine Grip Ring Rows or 2

14 Alternating Step-Ups

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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