HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds for quality
(10min Cap)
10 90/90 Hip Flow
10 Alternating Scorpion Stretch (5/5)
10 Samson Walking Lunge (5/5)
B: Warm-up (No Measure)
Barbell Primer
2 Rounds (empty BB)
Hang Snatch High Pull
Hang Muscle Snatch
Snatch Balance
Overhead Squat
2 Rounds, (add light weight)
Hang Snatch High Pull
Hang Power Snatch
Snatch Balance
Overhead Squat
2 Rounds, (add weight)
Hang Snatch High Pull
Hang Power Snatch
Hang Squat Snatch
C: Hang Snatch (12min Cap)
Find a 2RM
Goal is to hit 85-90% of 1RM
D: Metcon (Time)
6 Rounds for time
12 Box Jump Overs (R+24/20, Rx20/16″)
8 Overhead Squats (R+115/75, Rx 95/65)
4 Ring Muscle-Ups
Goal: 10:00-15:00
Time Cap = 20:00
Rx 4 Strict Pull-Ups + 4 Strict Ring Dips
SUB: 12 Alternating Box Step-Ups
8 Alternating OH Lunges
6 Ring Rows + 6 Box Dips
Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized