October 29, 2021 - No Comments!


HomeGrown AthletX - Functional Fitness

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds, For Quality (10:00 Cap)

1:00 Row Ski or Bike

6 Front Rack Squat (empty bar)

6 Push Press

5 High Box Jumps + 5 Box Jump All

the Way Overs

:20-:30 Handstand Hold (Wall


B: Warm-up (No Measure)

WOD Primer
3 Round

7 Thrusters

5/4 Cal Row ski or bike

3 BBJO’s

R: 1:30 b/s

On the 3rd round build to a weight that is over our working weight.

C: Metcon (Time)

4 Rounds for Time
21 Thrusters (R+95/65, Rx 75/55)

15/12 Cal Row or Ski 11/8 Cal Bike

9 Burpee Box Jump Overs (R+30/24,Rx24/20″)

Goal: 12-1800

Time Cap = 20min

The key to this workout will be understanding what type of sets you are going to hit on the thrusters, managing your pace on the row and staying steady during the burpee box jump overs. By going a little heavy in the workout primer we can go into the workout with the weight feeling a bit lighter. Moving these sub maximal loads should feel snappy and fast.

Points of Performance:

-Maintaining Midline in and out of the squat and into the press overhead.

-Line of action of the barbell. i.e. bar path and finish position overhead (We want the bar to finish with biceps covering ears.)

Published by: Breanne Feudale in Uncategorized

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